Backup Configuration

Before you can run either a backup or restoration, the scripts require you to provide a configuration file. We’re shipping a config.dist within the /opt/zammad/contrib/backup directory which you can simply rename.

To do so run the following commands as either root or zammad user.

$ cd /opt/zammad/contrib/backup/
$ mv config.dist config

Adjust the values according to your needs. See the explanation of each parameter in the table below.






Location where the script writes the backup files to.

The directory will be created if it does not exist. Make sure you have enough space because the script writes full dumps.



Define how many days the backup script should keep old backups. This value contains a 60 minutes grace period (e.g. 10 days plus 1 hour) for safety reasons.

Old backups are removed before creating the a new backup.


  • 1 will keep backups of the last 25 hours

  • -1 will remove all available backups (except the new one)



If set to yes, the backup includes also application files.

If set to no, the backup includes only user data.

In any case, it includes the Zammad database and the attachments, if you stored them in the file system.

If you are in doubt, set this to no.



Setting this option to yes will output useful debug messages.


This option potentially returns sensitive information to standard output! Do not use this option in production environments or ensure to turn it off after testing.

After this you’ll be ready to continue with either creating your first backup or restoring an existing backup.