
Grafana allows you to query, visualize and alert on metrics your Zammad installation stores within the Elasticsearch indexes.

Sample Dashboard with metrics from a Zammad instance.


🚧 Limitations 🚧

Please note that this guide expects all requirements to be up and running. We will not cover core configurations of each tool. Please also note that we can’t support you with configuration of your specific third party tool.

🤓 Specific use cases

You may have specific use cases which we can’t cover in this documentation. The following sub pages and also our List of Indexed Attributes should provide enough information to help you!


Quickly jump to…
You will need
  • A Grafana 10.3+ instance (hosted or self hosted)

  • (read) access to your Elasticsearch index


    Never expose Elasticsearch to the public if you’re not sure how to do it. Especially never without authentication! Zammad stores very sensitive information within the Elasticsearch Index.

  • a Zammad instance (version 4 or above) that supports your use case

Setting up required data sources


🤓 You may not need all data sources

Before we start: The data sources always follow the same scheme. We reduced below information to name, time field name and index name. Everything else relies on your environment and is out of our scope.


Please replace zammad_production_ with your fitting prefix.

ES - Chat Sessions:
Index name: zammad_production_chat_session
Time field name: created_at
ES - CTI Log:
Index name: zammad_production_cti_log
Time field name: start_at
ES - Ticket Articles:
Index name: zammad_production_ticket
Time field name: article.created_at
ES - Tickets by closed_at:
Index name: zammad_production_ticket
Time field name: close_at
ES - Tickets by created_at:
Index name: zammad_production_ticket
Time field name: created_at
ES - Tickets by first_response_at:
Index name: zammad_production_ticket
Time field name: first_response_at

With above data sources you basically have everything you need to start building your own dashboards. 🎉


🤓 Not sure about your index names?

Querying your Elasticsearch like below

# Replace localhost:9200 with the IP/URL of your setup if needed
$ curl http://localhost:9200/_aliases?pretty=true

will return a list that looks similar to the following:

  "zammad_production_knowledge_base_translation" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_ticket_priority" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_stats_store" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_organization" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_cti_log" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_group" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_knowledge_base_answer_translation" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_ticket" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_ticket_state" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_chat_session" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_user" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "zammad_production_knowledge_base_category_translation" : {
    "aliases" : { }

The Dashboards

If you want to get inspired, you can also use our sample dashboards as mentioned below. These dashboards can also be found on GitHub.

Importing an existing Dashboard

Navigate to ➕ → Import and either upload the json file you received or use the ID. During importing you can provide a dashboard name and folder. You’ll also be asked to map the data sources to your environment. If you used our data source names above, you can simply search for the same name.

Screencast showing how to import existing dashboards by ID

Importing existing dashboards by ID

Ticket statistics


🤓 ID: 14222

Screenshot showing the Ticket dashboard with demo data.
This dashboard provides graphs for:
  • ticket opening and closing 2

  • created articles

  • ticket SLA (in time and violation) per type 2 3

It also contains specific ticket and article meta information:
  • ticket group distribution

  • sender ratio (e.g. Customer / Agent) 1

  • article type ratio (e.g. email, phone) 1

  • article content type

  • escalation ratios 2

  • average first response, update time and close time 3

  • top 10

    • organization of ticket customer 2

    • ticket customers 2

    • ticket owners 2

    • average accounted time on ticket

    • ticket tags 2

  • last 10 escalated tickets

Required data sources:
  • ES - Ticket Articles

  • ES - Tickets by created_at

  • ES - Tickets by closed_at


Specific reference IDs are not the same on every instance and thus the panel may not work or show incorrect data. Check the panels description on how to find our the relations on your system.


Some values are not available as time series information. This means we can only display the last value of the field in question.


Requires SLA function to be active. Negative values indicate SLA violations.

Chat-Session statistics


🤓 ID: 14224

Screenshot showing the Chat dashboard with demo data.
This dashboard provides graphs for:
  • Chat session creations

It also contains specific chat session meta information:
  • top 10

    • chat tags

    • chat agents

    • chat exit pages

    • city origins

  • chat topic ratio

  • average number of messages within chat-sessions

  • average chatting time

  • World map with chat origin countries

Required data sources:
  • ES - Chat Sessions

CTI-Log statistics


🤓 ID: 14223

Screenshot showing the CTI dashboard with demo data.
This dashboard provides graphs for:
  • number of calls per direction (in / out)

It also contains specific chat session meta information:
  • call ratio (in / out)

  • average waiting time

  • average talking time

  • top 10

    • callers (in)

    • call answerers (in)

Required data sources:
  • ES - CTI Log