Install with Docker


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Zammad can be deployed using Docker-Compose. You can even use graphical docker front ends like Portainer.


We do not provide support in terms of Docker (-Compose) or Portainer specific problems. If you choose to run Zammad via Docker, support is only provided for the Zammad application.


  • This documentation expects you already have a working Docker Compose environment.

  • Make sure to have at least 4 GB of RAM to run the containers.

  • You’re required to adjust your host’s settings to run Elasticsearch properly:

    $ sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Deployment with Portainer

The easiest way to get Zammad running is via a graphical docker UI. We recommend Portainer. For installation instructions, check out Portainer’s documentation.

Step 1: Add Stack

In the Portainer GUI (e.g. https://yourdomain.tld:9443), choose your target environment, select Stacks and choose Add stack as you can see in the screenshot below.

Step 2: Build From Repository

Switch to Repository build method and provide the information below:

  • Name: enter a desired name of the stack

  • Repository URL:

  • Repository reference: refs/heads/master

  • Compose path: docker-compose.yml (default)

Optional: if you need to provide environment variables, you can enter them in the Environment variable section or even upload a .env file. See the example env template.

Zammad runs on port 8080 by default. If you want to use another port, you can set it via the variable NGINX_EXPOSE_PORT.

Step 3: Deploy the Stack

After the stack is ready, you can access Zammad via the configured docker host and port, e.g. http://localhost:8080/.

Screenshot showing portainer UI with stacks section and highlighted "Add stack" button

In the Stacks section in Portainer select Add stack.

Screenshot showing stack creation with necessary information

Stack creation with provided information in Repository screen

Deployment with Docker-Compose

Step 1: Clone the GitHub Repo
$ git clone

Make sure to run git pull frequently to fetch updates. Alternatively, you can download the files from the releases page.

Step 2: Adjust Environment as Needed

In some cases our default environment is not what a docker-compose user is looking for. See Docker Environment Variables for details on which settings can be configured.


If you want to use a .env file, you can use the provided .env.dist file and copy it to .env. That way it will be picked up by Docker-Compose automatically and not overwritten during updates.

Zammad runs on port 8080 by default. If you want to use another port, you can set it via the variable NGINX_EXPOSE_PORT.

Step 3: Start the stack
$ cd zammad-docker-compose
$ docker compose up -d

After the stack is ready, you can access Zammad via the configured docker host and port, e.g. http://localhost:8080/.

Customizing the Zammad Stack

Sometimes it’s necessary to apply local changes to the Zammad docker stack, e.g. to include additional services. If you plan to do so, we recommend that you do not change the docker-compose.yml file, but instead create a local docker-compose.override.yml that includes all your modifications. Docker-Compose will automatically load this file and merge its changes into your stack.

How to Run Commands in the Stack

The docker entrypoint script sets up environment variables required by Zammad to function properly. That is why calling rails or rake on the console should be done via one of the following methods:

# Directly execute a specific command:

$ docker compose run --rm zammad-railsserver rails r '...your rails command here...'

# Run the interactive rails console to manually enter Rails commands:

$ docker compose run --rm zammad-railsserver rails c

# Via 'docker exec':

$ docker exec zammad-docker-compose-zammad-railsserver-1 / rails r '...your rails command here...'

If you need to retrieve information from the rails server, you can place for example pp (pretty print) in front of your rails command. This leads to an output in your terminal.