Other Useful Commands


Please note that this is not a full command list, if you’re missing commands, feel free to ask over at the Community.

Fetch Mails

The below command will do a manual fetch of mail channels. This will also show errors that might appear within that process.

>> Channel.fetch

Reprocess Failed Emails

When Zammad fetches a mail it cannot parse (e.g. due to a parser bug or a malformed message), it will store the mail in the database and warn in the monitoring section about it.

In case of a malformed message (e.g. an invalid email address in one of the header fields), you may need to manually edit the mail before Zammad can process it. To do so, follow the steps below:

Export all Failed Emails to a Local Folder

Execute rake zammad:email_parser:failed_email:export_all. You can find the location of the exported email in the output of your console. Every time you perform an export of failed (unprocessable) emails, it creates one folder containing all failed emails at the time of execution.

Edit the Email

The email has been exported in the step above. Now you can have a look at it and try to repair it. Make sure to leave the file name untouched, as the import will otherwise fail.

Import and Reprocess Locally Modified Email

After editing the email, run rake zammad:email_parser:failed_email:import path/to/your/email.eml to apply your changes from the file to the database. You can also pass the entire folder as argument, so all .eml files in it will we imported and reprocessed. If the reprocessing of the email was successful, the file(s) will be deleted, and the empty folder removed.


Make sure to run these commands only from the main Zammad folder /opt/zammad. There may be problems if you try to run it from within the generated subfolder.

Delete Unwanted Emails

In case of unwanted emails such as spam, you can delete them from the database after exporting them with the command rake zammad:email_parser:failed_email:delete path/to/your/email.eml. If you pass the export folder as argument instead, all contained emails will be removed from the database, their files deleted and finally the empty folder removed.

Add Translation


Although the procedure described below still works, it is not recommended for usage any more.

Since Zammad version 6.3 it’s possible to customize any translation via graphical UI. All coupled with handy suggestions for all translatable custom objects in the local system. For more information, see the documentation for the translations screen.

This comes in handy if you e.g. added a new state that you need to translate for several languages.

>> Translation.create_if_not_exists(:locale => 'de-de', :source => "New", :target => "Neu", created_by_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1)


While Zammad knows further attributes for the Translation model, please do not set them manually. Doing so may interfere with our Weblate translation process and cause you loosing your custom translations.

If you want to translate code base strings that are available within standard code, please use Weblate instead.

Translating Attributes

By default Zammad will not translate custom attributes. With the following code you can enable translation. This will translate the attribute display name and the display names of values (if it’s a value field). For this to work, just replace {attribute-name} with the name of your attribute.

>> attribute = ObjectManager::Attribute.find_by(name: '{attribute-name}')
>> attribute.data_option[:translate] = true  # set this to false to disable
                                             # translation again
>> attribute.save!


Translating value display names works for the following attribute types:

  • Boolean

  • Select

  • Tree Select

If you’re translating the display name of e.g. an Integer-attribute, this works as well!

Fill a Test System With Test Data


Don’t run this in a productive environment! This can slow down Zammad and is hard to revert if you create much!

The below command will add 50 agents, 1000 customers, 20 groups, 40 organizations, 5 new overviews and 100 tickets. You can always use 0 to not create specific items. Zammad will create random data which make no logical sense.

>> FillDb.load(agents: 50,customers: 1000,groups: 20,organizations: 40,overviews: 5,tickets: 100,)